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Friday, 9 December 2011

Kon Rak Game Payabaht [กลรัก เกมพยาบาท][Tricked Love - Game of Vengeance][爱对恨错][2006]

Drama Info:

Thai Title: กลรัก เกมพยาบาท / Kon Rak Game Payabaht
Also Known As: Kol Rak Game Payabahth / Tricked Love - Game of Vengeance
Chinese Title: 爱对恨错 / 爱的复仇游戏

Episodes: 13 Episodes
Year: 2006
Channel: Channel 7
Genre: Drama / Romance / Revenge




    CN Subber:
    EN Subber:


    Cast/ Characters:

    (Krit) Chakrit Yamnarm as Panin
    (Kob) Suvanant Kongying as Kompai
    Jeffrey Benjakul as Vud
    Ploy Chindachote as Kanlieu
    Kedsarin Poonlab as Kanlieu's Mother
    Kanchanaporn Plodpai as Panin's Secretary
    Suchao Pongwilai as Panin's Father


    Synopsis: English

    Vud was in love with Kompai (Kob) but didn't have the courage to confess his feelings so he became close to her sister, Rodsarin, hoping that he would have a chance with Kompai. But when he realized that Kompai was not interested in him at all, he became engaged to Rodsarin before leaving to study abroad, along with Rodsarin's friend, Thitha.

    Thitha and Vud ended up starting a relationship while studying abroad. Vud sent a letter to Rodsarin, telling her that he was ending their engagement. Rodsarin became heartbroken and passed away. Kompai vowed to get revenged for her sister.

    She used Panin (Charit) as her tool to get back at them. Kompai planned for Thitha to fall for Panin, with the intentions of never letting her being with him.


    Synopsis: Chinese



    Worth It Review (Out of 5):

    Storyline / Plot: ♨♨♨
    Cast Performance: ♨♨♨
    Ecstasy: ♨
    Wardrobe and Design: ♨♨♨

    Overall: ♨♨

    Smiley Choice:

    Chef Smilie

    End Comment:

    Many fans were looking forward to seeing these two, with drama, revenge and chemistry with Chakrit and Kob it sound a high rating popular lakorn formula....sadly it isn't to me.

    Kob is a versatile actress whom can perform many different role and yet there isn't one she shine herself....maybe future project.

    While Chakrit seem to perform another safe and solid role he knows best.

    I feel this lakorn is more suitable for Chakrit or Kob fans, however you do not need to be a loving fan to enjoy this.



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