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Saturday, 23 October 2010

Jam Luey Gamathep [จำเลยกามเทพ][Cupid's Defendent][丘比特的被告][2009]

Drama Info:

Thai Title: จจำเลยกามเทพ / Jam Luey Gamathep
Also Known As: Cupid's Defendant
Chinese Title: 丘比特的被告

Episodes: 14 Episodes
Year: 2009
Channel: Channel 3
Genre: Comedy / Drama / Romance / Slap & Kiss



EN Subber: Viki


Cast/ Characters:

(Krit) Chakrit Yamnam as Marnmet (Mek)
(Cherry) Khemupsorn Sirisukha as Nate-Upsorn (Nim)
(Job) Nithi Samuthkojorn as Thorani (Kapom)
(Jane) Jensuda Parnto as Chanetti (Pak-Kard)


Synopsis: English

Nate-Upsorn (Nim), a famous actress, has been a famous actor are related Thorani (Kapom) partner. Audience in real life they really want to become a couple, while Nim Jiaxizhenzuo I also hope they will become a pair.
Can be a matter of fact, Kapom in real life has a girlfriend, called Pak-kard. Nim constantly harass them and threaten to destroy him and his girlfriend's wedding, he was very distressed.
In order to successfully married to his back from the States to his brother Mek posing as kidnappers, the kidnappers Nim to an island until you complete the wedding. Although Mek unwilling to do so, he had to help his brother. This time, TV drama "Love of the defendant" gave a lot of inspired Mek, he imitated Harit to Nim abduction to a private island, and like the television show, so pretend to be deeply hurt by her, keep her to come through the abuse Free your heart from hatred.
However, things are not so simple because Nim was not crying, submissive girl, she was always resistance and anti-abuse, the two battle again and again, gradually close to each other's hearts, but they are increasingly exposing the truth ... ... understand the truth of Nim left in anger, loss of a loved one may not own Mek heartache, willing to give up everything to restore this had distorted the situation on the road.


Synopsis: Chinese

 Nate-Upsorn ( Nim), 著名女演员,一直以来都跟著名男演员Thorani (Kapom)搭档。现实生活中观众们都希望他们真的成为情侣,而同时Nim本人也希望他们能假戏真做,成为一对。
  为了能够顺利结婚,他让自己刚从美国回来的弟弟Mek 乔装成绑匪,将Nim绑架至某个小岛上直到自己完成婚礼。尽管Mek不愿意这样做,他还是不得不帮助自己的哥哥。这时候,电视剧《爱的被告》带给了Mek很多灵感,他模仿Harit把Nim绑架到一个私人小岛上,并像电视剧里那样假装自己被她深深的伤害了,不断的通过虐待她来释放心中的仇恨。


Worth It Review (Out of 5):

Storyline / Plot: ♨♨♨
Cast Performance: ♨♨✂
Ecstasy: ♨♨♨
Wardrobe and Design: ♨✂

Overall: ♨♨♨

End Comment:

This is the only story that is link with another lakorn (briefly). This story line was inspired by Jam Loey Rak and Tang Parn Kammathep. Cherry and Krit does a wonderful job as Nim and Mek with plenty of sweet moments. It is not exciting or dramatic but does a good job when you bored.



Copy link in RED into address bar or click on episode number and automatically get transfer.



Episode 1: DLoad:
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Episode 2: DLoad:
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Episode 3: DLoad:
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Episode 4: DLoad:
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Episode 5: DLoad:
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Episode 6: DLoad:
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Episode 7: DLoad:
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Episode 8: DLoad:
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Episode 9: DLoad:
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Episode 10: DLoad:
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Episode 11: DLoad:
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Episode 12: DLoad:
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Episode 13: DLoad:
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Episode 14: [Final] DLoad:
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  1. are there no english subs for this lakorn?

  2. hello! is there any way to watch this drama with english subtitles? all the links appear broken. i’m so late so i’m not sure if anyone will even see this but i thought it was worth a try
