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Saturday, 20 March 2010

Jam Loey Rak [จำเลยของความรัก][The Defendant of Love][爱的被告][2008]

Drama Info:

Thai Title: จำเลยของความรัก / Jam Loey Rak
Also Known As: The Defendant of Love / Prisoner of Love
Chinese Title: 爱的被告

Episodes: 14 Episodes
Year: 2008
Channel: Channel 3
Genre: Revenge / Drama / Romance


CN Subber:
ATM Chinese Fanclub - ATM字幕组所有[Aum♥Aff]

EN Subber:


Cast/ Characters:

(Aum) Atichart Chumnanont as Harit
(Aff) Taksaorn Paksukcharoen as Soraya
(Joy) Rilanee Sripen as Sansanee
(Chai) Chatayodom Hiranyatsathiti as Tawaschai
(Num) Kongkrapan Saengsuriya as Bai
(Mai) Sukontawa Kerdnimit as Boontai
(Hack) RungRuang Ananta as Harin
Ryan Jett as Nukul


Synopsis: English

Hirit Rangsiman, the pearl farm's owner in the south of Thailand, is very angry and vengeful after Harin, his only younger brother commit suicide because Sansanee, Harin girlfriend, breaks up with him.

Harit wants to take vengeance on a girl who cause his brother's death, so he kidnaps her to torture, but he doesn't know that a girl who he kidnaps is Soraya, Sansanee's cousin. He still believe that Soraya is Sansanee no matter how Soraya tries to tell him. Soraya wants to repay her debt of gratitude to Sansanee because Sansanee used to save her life from drowning, so she accept this punishment instead of her beloved cousin.

However, they irresistibly fall in love with each other at last.


Synopsis: Chinese

男主Harit的弟弟Harin爱上了富家女sansanee, 但是sansanee却只是玩弄他,自己一心想找一个英俊又有钱的人,harin 受不了打击,饮枪自尽。Harit十分伤心,从弟弟的日记当中,知道了真相,内心充满了愤怒,一心想找sansanee报仇。soraya是sansanee的堂妹,从小受到sansanee家的照顾,才能上学,又因为小时候掉进池塘,是sansanee救了她,在sansanee家更像是一名佣人。 harit阴差阳错误将soraya当作sansanee绑架到自己的私人小岛,准备要好好报复这个害死自己弟弟的仇人,在岛上除了harit,soraya 还有一名哑仆Bai。harit想了各种方法来折磨“sansanee”来平息自己内心的愤怒,让“sansanee”早起,干农活,挑水,自己做饭,他本认为sansanee是个肩不能扛,手不能提的大小姐。确未料到这个“sansanee”什么活都能干。
  两人不停的斗智斗勇,而soraya一次次的逃走,却又一次次的被harit抓回来。两人在这过程中更加了解了彼此,不知不觉中产生了感情。sansanee通过工作认识了harit , 知道harit十分有钱,便一心想引诱harit,这时harit 也知道自己抓错了人,但他已经爱上了soraya, 不想放开她,soraya思念家人,哭求harit放她回去,并希望harit不要再向 sansanee报仇,harit答应了她,并送给soraya一条珍珠手链,许诺如果手链不离开soraya,就不再报复。soraya回到了家人身边,harit为了能见到soraya也留在了曼谷。sansanee一心想吊到金龟婿,对harit十分殷勤,sansanee借走了saraya的手链(Harit让Sansanee误以为要跟她结婚,其实所有的准备是为了要跟Soraya结婚)。Sansanee知道Harit只是欺骗了她之后去找Harit理论,Harit告诉报告她的实情。Sansanee又去找Soraya,气愤之下将其推入了河中,幸好Harit及时赶来救了Soraya。Soraya对Sansanee说为了她自己什么事情都可以承受,是因为小时候Sansanee救了落水的自己。这时真正小时候救Soraya的Nukule说出实情,原来Sansanee一直在欺骗Soraya。所有事情全部水落石出。Soraya和Harit回到岛上幸福的生活。


Worth It Review (Out of 5):

Storyline / Plot: ♨♨♨♨✂
Cast Performance: ♨♨♨♨✂
Ecstasy: ♨♨♨✂
Wardrobe and Design: ♨♨✂

Overall: ♨♨

Smiley Choice:

Chef Smilie

End Comment:

A instant fame to both actress and actor. Kidnapped in tear and fallen in love with a happy ending.
Aff and Aum shown us great chemistry which make us always re watching it.
This is one of the lakorn that I will showcase to my friend and it 100% worth watching if you like a mixture of everything.

This lakorn has given Aff and Aum stardom with more opportunity in both their future.



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