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Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Silamanee [ศิลามณี][The Precious Stone][珍贵的宝石][2008]

Drama Info:

Thai Title: ศิลามณี / Silamanee
Also Known As: The Precious Stone / Gem Stone
Chinese Title: 珍贵的宝石

Episodes: 17 Episodes
Year: 2008
Channel: Channel 7
Genre: Drama / Romance


CN Subber:
WuYinSubTeam公用博客 - 五音字幕组[声色光影♡尽在五音]

EN Subber:


Cast/ Characters:

(Kob) Suvanant Kongying as Princess Saengfarng/Ngam Saengluang/Mae Liang
(Paul) Pattarapol Silapajarn as Parote Rachaseyna
(Pol) Poolaphat Attapanyapol as Chalee Racaseyna
Premsinee Ratanasopa as Sasi Buranayothin
Sitiporn Niyom as Prince Gawin of Rathshaan
Jaturawit Kochanuam as Lieutenant Colonel Atisuk


Synopsis: English

“The love test of a royal princess and a proud man”

The precious emerald necklace of Chiangrath has been given to the family of Parote Rachasena, whom is proud in his dignity and looks down upon Northern women like his mother. In which has created his feud of hatred for Princess Saengfarng so she must go undercover as Ngam Saenluang and Mae Liang in order to get the Silamanee back. Between “him” and “her,” the feud that they have created towards each other, can it be turn into “love” or not? Only “Silamanee” will be the significant key to unlocking this puzzle.


Synopsis: Chinese

公主Saengfarng (1900自己给翻译了个汉化名‘塞尔方)的父亲在世时依照清莱民族的传统,把代表皇室尊贵的宝石项链作为定亲信物交给Rachaseyna Parote(五音的JMS昵称坡哥的男主)家保管。老国王去世后,Saengfarng并不愿意这桩婚事,写信要求返回宝石项链却被对方以未曾收到过项链为由拒绝。Saengfarng决定亲自去拿回属于清莱的宝石希玛尼。
在曼谷,Saengfarng成功的接近了Rachaseyna家。Parote和他的母亲一样以自身的高贵身份而自豪,看不起北方女人。这一点引起了Saengfarng的厌恶,两人在因缘际会下结怨。Saengfarng为了拿回宝石,乔装成学生的Ngam和布店老板娘Mae Liang”留在曼谷。Parote和Ngam之间因为种种事情心结和怨气越来越深,另一方面,却不自觉的为北方来的布店老板娘的气质和美貌所迷惑。希玛尼在Saengfarng意料之中出现,两个人的关系也不受控制的发展,Parote不自觉的爱上了弟弟的意中人Ngam,而骄傲的Ngam根本不相信曼谷男人的真诚。Parote的母亲做为曼谷上层社会人的根深蒂固的尊贵意识和北方民族对商业文明熏陶过的都市人的偏见之间的冲突越演越烈,受命运安排而相遇的男女主角之间会不会产生爱的火花,也许这个答案只有古老神秘的希玛尼能够解答。


Worth It Review (Out of 5):

Storyline / Plot: ♨♨♨♨✂
Cast Performance: ♨♨♨♨
Ecstasy: ♨♨♨♨
Wardrobe and Design: ♨♨♨♨♨

Overall: ♨♨

End Comment:

My first drama I have watch which feature Chiang Mai which is located in Northern Thailand.
In recent years, more and more drama are plotted around Chiang Mai. This is a traditional city trap in modern society together with its own culture; clothing and special dialect.
Silamanee is the stunning necklace containing two rectangle, two squares, and one droplet shape emerald dangling down. It is believe to be worth over 100 million Baht.

Kob does a fantastic job speaking in Lanna (the dialect in Chiang Mai), she changes her voice and does her best to speak and pronounce clearly. She plays three identities each with a different personality.

This story has its own creativity with a good cast, beautiful design and rarely heard score.

For a remake this come with originality and worth watching.



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