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Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Mafia Tee Ruk [มาเฟียที่รัก][Beloved Mafia][我的黑道老公][2007]

Drama Info:

Thai Title: มาเฟียที่รัก / Mafia Tee Ruk Smiley with Uzi
Also Known As: Beloved Mafia
Chinese Title: 我的黑道老公

Episodes: 15 Episodes
Year: 2007
Channel: Channel 3
Genre: Comedy / Romance / Action


CN Subber:
EN Subber:


Cast/ Characters:

(Krit) Chakrit Yamnam as Peter Chen/Chen Ling
Pat Napapa Tanakul as Pak Boong
Por Tridsadee Sahawong as Mint
Pitta Na Pattalung as Da Yong
(Oh) Pakjira Wanasut as Lee


Synopsis: English

Chun and Pat Boung meet unexpectedly in a mall and Pat Boung and her friend saves Chun from a mafia group in Thailand awhile he was visiting/ on a business trip. He returns home safely I believe in Hong Kong and is just amazed or intrigued by her. So he sends one of his men to find out about this girl. Chun is now the leader of a mafia, but was only inherited into the mafia because he was an orphan and he was adopted sister's father. He becomes loyal and shows leader ship. He gets inherited and not her. Pat Boung's dad is a very known man in the Thailand society, but he unfortunately gets hooked onto gambling in Chun's casino in Hong Kong. Chuun figures out that the man was Pat Boung's father. He gets the man into a big debt with them, he manipulates Pat Boung's father to sell her to him and he promises that he will not harm his daughter in anyway and seemed liked a good man to Pat Boung's father. So he gets the money he and sold his daughter to thinking that he would gamble and get all the money he owned back and then the deal could be forgotten and he could have his daughter back. At this time, he loses it all the money and bigger in debt and now he has just sold off his daughter. He returns to Thailand, but before he gets there Chun send's his men for Pat Boung in Thailand. Chun's bodyguards Chen Hao and Ban are sent to get Pak Boung but in the process of going back to Hong Kong, Pak Boung manages to escape the two bodyguard and she is saved by Min. She thinks she has nothing left in her life because of what her father has done and that they are so far in debt she is a lost soul. Min decides to take Pak Boung in and take of her as if she was his wife but what Pat Boung and Min doesn't know is that Chun's bodyguard already found them. She falls in love with him because he is the only one that is there that cares for her. She and Min fall in love, but that doesn't stop Chun. He finds her and takes her from Min. Min goes to Hong Kong and tries to get Pat Boung back in so many numerous tries, but doesn't succeed. Along the process while Pat Boung is forced to live with this "cold hearted" man, she tries every avaliable way to escape Chun to get back to Min. In the process of trying to escape from Chun, she sees that he is not just cold hearted man that he also a very caring man. Unable to get close and help Pak Boung, Min decides to manipulate Chun's little sister Gye' Yhong (sorry bad spelling of names)(who also was in love with Chun)to get back at Chun for taking Pak Boung from him. As time goes by Pak Boung starts to fall in love with Chun as Yong starting to fall in love with Min but just as their relationships starts to mend its gets even more complicated when Chun's childhood lover, Lilly, comes back and stirr up more trouble for all the couples..


Synopsis: Chinese

Pak Boong (Pat饰)是一个善良热心的女孩,一天在商场里救了一个被人追杀的香港男人Peter Chen(Chakrit饰),Chen ling是一个在香港经营赌场的黑社会大哥,他被Pak的微笑和善良所深深吸引,于是派手下进行调查并设计Pak的爸爸Pipat Wongmekha用女儿来抵偿赌债。Pak在被Chen的手下追捕时被一个陌生男子Mint(Por饰)救下,两人日久生情。Pak被抓走后,隐瞒自己富家子弟身份的Mint和朋友追到了香港找Pak并遇到了DaYong,备受Chen照顾的DaYong一直喜欢Chen,但Chen一直把她当妹妹.



Worth It Review (Out of 5):

  • Storyline / Plot: ♨♨✂
  • Cast Performance: ♨✂
  • Ecstasy: ♨
  • Wardrobe and Design: ♨♨
Overall: ♨♨

End Comment:

This is not the greater Chakrit lakorn, not the worst and not the best.
Pat acting is too kiddish for my liking and would prefer her in a different role. There is some episode located in Hong Kong. Not much can be written about this lakorn, only watch this if you a big fan of the cast.



Copy link in RED into address bar or click on episode number and automatically get transfer.



Episode 1: DLoad:
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Episode 14: [Final] DLoad:[TH_CN]mafiateeruk2007:[]

