Drama Info:
Also Known As: Revolving Hearts / Rotation of the Heart / The Circle Of Love
Chinese Title: 爱情洗牌 / 旋转的爱
Episodes: 14 Episodes
Cast/ Characters:
(Weir) Sukollawat Kanarot as Tos Kanaphan
(Pinky) Sawika Chaiyadech as Bow Buphachart
(Pol) Poolaphat Attapanyapol as Pong Woraphong
(Tarn) Kanya Rattanapetch as Nee Vithinee
(Jieb) Kitaphat Untimanont as Baitong
Tum Wichaya Jarujinda as Chai
Yam Siriwattana as Kare
Synopsis: English
Weir, in this lakorn, is a grape plantation owner, he has a younger sister played by Tarn Kanya, who falls for Pinky’s boyfriend Pulpat Attapanyapol (Chalee from “Silamanee”). Pulpat impregnates her.
Not wanting Pinky to ruin his sister happiness with Pulpat, Weir makes her his wife. He does this using deception. When they first met, Pinky is very drunk and is drugged by a guy to a hotel to be raped. Weir sees what was happening and saves her. He takes her to his hotel. When she wakes up, she thinks Weir had raped her. Since then, she hates him. Later on, he uses this incident to his advantage and forced her to a force marriage. In their relationship, Weir secretly loves Pinky and teases her as a husband to a wife. Eventually, Pinky learns to forget Pulpat and fall for Weir.
© http://wiki.asianfuse.net/index.php/Wong_Wien_Hua_Jai/
Bow came back from Australia to find out that her boyfriend has married another woman.
Frustrated, she came to the pub and was drugged into the hotel. By chance,
Tos saw the incident and he rescued Bow from being raped.
After Bow woke up, she thought Tos raped her.
Bow didn't give Tos a chance to explain and she left the hotel angrily.
Afterwards, Tos found out that his sister's husband, Pong, is Bow's ex-boyfriend.
Thinking that she wanted to steal Pong away from his sister,
Tos threaten her that he would expose their one-night secret.
Being view as a mistress to a married man, she distance herself from Pong.
However, her family and Tos misunderstood Bow. Consequently,
Tos exposed their secret to Bow's family.
He asked for Bow's hand in marriage and her parents agreed to save their pride.
© http://lakornsworld.blogspot.com/
Synopsis: Chinese
当Buphachart(Pinky饰)从国外回到泰国时却得知她的男友Woraphong, 即将与Vithinee结婚 ,一位拥有葡萄园的百万富翁的妹妹结婚。Buphachart很伤心,于是她到酒吧借酒消愁,却遇到一群坏蛋故意把一些miyao放在她的饮料里企图 rape她,幸好被Tos(Weir饰)救了并把她带到了一个酒店休息,因为Buphachart喝醉了,把Tos当成了她的男朋友又哭又闹,并表达了自己心中的愤怒和伤心,直到半夜,Tos好不容易使她安静的睡着了。 就在非常短的夜晚,爱迅速点燃了Tos的心,
他知道,他已经爱上了这个陌生女孩。第二天早晨Buphachart醒了,发现Tos的T恤在她身上,这让她误会Tos rape了自己,且没让Tos解释, Buphachart尖叫着跑出了酒店,感到害羞难过,甚至无法面对她的姐姐。当时她真希望Tos去死!
那个前男友Woraphong ,当他听说Bupachart回来了,他就去找她,但她却说分手。然而,因为他们曾经在一起时间那么长又使Bupachart犹豫。Woraphong告诉她,他永远爱她,但自从她离开去了国外他觉得很难守住这段异地感情。于是他和Vithinee恋爱,直到她怀孕。这导致他不得不娶她。但他仍然恳求 Bupachart等他。当Buphachart真的决定和Woraphong分手时,Vithinee已经跟踪Woraphong而来。她打了 Buphachart并告诉她,她只能是第三者,Buphachart应该感到羞愧因为她偷了别人的丈夫。
愤怒的情绪使Buphachart想赢,于是她告诉Vithinee她才是第三者,因为是他令 Woraphong离开她。 这时Vithinee有心脏病发作, Woraphong和Buphachart带她到医院去。
TOS急着找他妹妹却看到他的准妹夫手牵Buphachart的手。这时他觉得很伤心,因为第一个他朝思暮想的女孩Buphachart,竟同时是可能摧毁自己心爱妹妹的婚姻生活的人。而Vithinee出院后的解释更是显而易见的说明了 Buphachart想抢回她的男友。Vithinee打电话给Buphachart ,但Buphachart的母亲, Bussaba ,接了电话。Vithinee告诉Bussaba教她的女儿不要去偷别人的丈夫。 Bussaba感到震惊和羞耻 。而当Buphachart的父亲,Rerngsak ,听到这一点时,他非常生气。他真的以为他的女儿在勾引别人的丈夫。 然而,Buphachart是一个很有个性的女孩个性,她仍然是爱Woraphong所以她将做任何事让他回到自己身边。于是她爸爸Rerngsak很生气的跟Buphachart断绝父女关系Buphachart打包离家出走,她来到了一个美丽,豪华的城市公寓作为秘密藏身之地。 她的用意是躲避Woraphong ,但Woraphong却找到Buphachart的公寓房, 并哭着求她不要离开自己,这使Buphachart无法停止爱他。 这时Tos也找到Buphachart的公寓。但他却看到她下来送走Woraphong,于是他误解两个人开了一个房间住在一起。Tos知道他必须做一些事情分开Buphachart和Woraphong来帮助他的妹妹和他妹妹的孩子拥有一个完整的家庭。而最重要的一件事:他无法阻止自己喜欢 Buphachart的心,而他也不希望看到Buphachart成为别人的情妇。 然而, Buphachart是一个顽皮和执着追求坚持自己所Buphachart要的的女孩。他怎样才能改变她的心呢?(转载请注明: 九度网剧情频道。
© http://juqing.9duw.com
Episode 4: DLoad:[TH_CN]wongweinhuajai2009:[http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6QOHI2YQ]
Episode 5: DLoad:[TH_CN]wongweinhuajai2009:[http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LWAE9VCC]
Episode 6: DLoad:[TH_CN]wongweinhuajai2009:[http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H5KSLDV3]
Episode 7: DLoad:[TH_CN]wongweinhuajai2009:[http://www.megaupload.com/?d=AJH9NUX0]
Episode 8: DLoad:[TH_CN]wongweinhuajai2009:[http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3UNEHX1N]
Episode 9: DLoad:[TH_CN]wongweinhuajai2009:[http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0Z536F9O]
Episode 10: DLoad:[TH_CN]wongweinhuajai2009:[http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CZZ2HZX5]
Episode 11: DLoad:[TH_CN]wongweinhuajai2009:[http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DQU41KYF]
Episode 12: DLoad:[TH_CN]wongweinhuajai2009:[http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BTX3K62L]
Episode 13: DLoad:[TH_CN]wongweinhuajai2009:[http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2B0C9T5M]
Episode 14: [Final] DLoad:[TH_CN]wongweinhuajai2009:[http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7IG6DEUF]
Year: 2009
Channel: Channel 7
Genre: Drama / Romance
Channel: Channel 7
Genre: Drama / Romance
- DLinks: TH_CN: [MU] 14/14
- Steaming: TH_CN: [Tudou]
- Steaming: TH_EN: [Youtube]
Cast/ Characters:
(Weir) Sukollawat Kanarot as Tos Kanaphan
(Pinky) Sawika Chaiyadech as Bow Buphachart
(Pol) Poolaphat Attapanyapol as Pong Woraphong
(Tarn) Kanya Rattanapetch as Nee Vithinee
(Jieb) Kitaphat Untimanont as Baitong
Tum Wichaya Jarujinda as Chai
Yam Siriwattana as Kare
Synopsis: English
Weir, in this lakorn, is a grape plantation owner, he has a younger sister played by Tarn Kanya, who falls for Pinky’s boyfriend Pulpat Attapanyapol (Chalee from “Silamanee”). Pulpat impregnates her.
Not wanting Pinky to ruin his sister happiness with Pulpat, Weir makes her his wife. He does this using deception. When they first met, Pinky is very drunk and is drugged by a guy to a hotel to be raped. Weir sees what was happening and saves her. He takes her to his hotel. When she wakes up, she thinks Weir had raped her. Since then, she hates him. Later on, he uses this incident to his advantage and forced her to a force marriage. In their relationship, Weir secretly loves Pinky and teases her as a husband to a wife. Eventually, Pinky learns to forget Pulpat and fall for Weir.
© http://wiki.asianfuse.net/index.php/Wong_Wien_Hua_Jai/
Bow came back from Australia to find out that her boyfriend has married another woman.
Frustrated, she came to the pub and was drugged into the hotel. By chance,
Tos saw the incident and he rescued Bow from being raped.
After Bow woke up, she thought Tos raped her.
Bow didn't give Tos a chance to explain and she left the hotel angrily.
Afterwards, Tos found out that his sister's husband, Pong, is Bow's ex-boyfriend.
Thinking that she wanted to steal Pong away from his sister,
Tos threaten her that he would expose their one-night secret.
Being view as a mistress to a married man, she distance herself from Pong.
However, her family and Tos misunderstood Bow. Consequently,
Tos exposed their secret to Bow's family.
He asked for Bow's hand in marriage and her parents agreed to save their pride.
© http://lakornsworld.blogspot.com/
Synopsis: Chinese
当Buphachart(Pinky饰)从国外回到泰国时却得知她的男友Woraphong, 即将与Vithinee结婚 ,一位拥有葡萄园的百万富翁的妹妹结婚。Buphachart很伤心,于是她到酒吧借酒消愁,却遇到一群坏蛋故意把一些miyao放在她的饮料里企图 rape她,幸好被Tos(Weir饰)救了并把她带到了一个酒店休息,因为Buphachart喝醉了,把Tos当成了她的男朋友又哭又闹,并表达了自己心中的愤怒和伤心,直到半夜,Tos好不容易使她安静的睡着了。 就在非常短的夜晚,爱迅速点燃了Tos的心,
他知道,他已经爱上了这个陌生女孩。第二天早晨Buphachart醒了,发现Tos的T恤在她身上,这让她误会Tos rape了自己,且没让Tos解释, Buphachart尖叫着跑出了酒店,感到害羞难过,甚至无法面对她的姐姐。当时她真希望Tos去死!
那个前男友Woraphong ,当他听说Bupachart回来了,他就去找她,但她却说分手。然而,因为他们曾经在一起时间那么长又使Bupachart犹豫。Woraphong告诉她,他永远爱她,但自从她离开去了国外他觉得很难守住这段异地感情。于是他和Vithinee恋爱,直到她怀孕。这导致他不得不娶她。但他仍然恳求 Bupachart等他。当Buphachart真的决定和Woraphong分手时,Vithinee已经跟踪Woraphong而来。她打了 Buphachart并告诉她,她只能是第三者,Buphachart应该感到羞愧因为她偷了别人的丈夫。
愤怒的情绪使Buphachart想赢,于是她告诉Vithinee她才是第三者,因为是他令 Woraphong离开她。 这时Vithinee有心脏病发作, Woraphong和Buphachart带她到医院去。
TOS急着找他妹妹却看到他的准妹夫手牵Buphachart的手。这时他觉得很伤心,因为第一个他朝思暮想的女孩Buphachart,竟同时是可能摧毁自己心爱妹妹的婚姻生活的人。而Vithinee出院后的解释更是显而易见的说明了 Buphachart想抢回她的男友。Vithinee打电话给Buphachart ,但Buphachart的母亲, Bussaba ,接了电话。Vithinee告诉Bussaba教她的女儿不要去偷别人的丈夫。 Bussaba感到震惊和羞耻 。而当Buphachart的父亲,Rerngsak ,听到这一点时,他非常生气。他真的以为他的女儿在勾引别人的丈夫。 然而,Buphachart是一个很有个性的女孩个性,她仍然是爱Woraphong所以她将做任何事让他回到自己身边。于是她爸爸Rerngsak很生气的跟Buphachart断绝父女关系Buphachart打包离家出走,她来到了一个美丽,豪华的城市公寓作为秘密藏身之地。 她的用意是躲避Woraphong ,但Woraphong却找到Buphachart的公寓房, 并哭着求她不要离开自己,这使Buphachart无法停止爱他。 这时Tos也找到Buphachart的公寓。但他却看到她下来送走Woraphong,于是他误解两个人开了一个房间住在一起。Tos知道他必须做一些事情分开Buphachart和Woraphong来帮助他的妹妹和他妹妹的孩子拥有一个完整的家庭。而最重要的一件事:他无法阻止自己喜欢 Buphachart的心,而他也不希望看到Buphachart成为别人的情妇。 然而, Buphachart是一个顽皮和执着追求坚持自己所Buphachart要的的女孩。他怎样才能改变她的心呢?(转载请注明: 九度网剧情频道。
© http://juqing.9duw.com
Worth It Review (Out of 5):
Storyline / Plot: ♨♨
Cast Performance: ♨♨
Ecstasy: ♨♨♨
Wardrobe and Design: ♨♨
Overall: ♨♨✂
End Comment:
Weir and Pinky looks the perfect couple and this lakorn shows why.
This is worth watching if you a lakorn fans, it is the full package at a bargain price.
This is worth watching if you a lakorn fans, it is the full package at a bargain price.
Copy link in RED into address bar or click on episode number and automatically get transfer.
Copy link in RED into address bar or click on episode number and automatically get transfer.
Episode 1: DLoad:[TH_CN]wongweinhuajai2009:[http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1RZ7DN2B]
Episode 2: DLoad:[TH_CN]wongweinhuajai2009:[http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SCPQBPCI]
Episode 3: DLoad:[TH_CN]wongweinhuajai2009:[http://www.megaupload.com/?d=R7NW94K8]
Episode 1: DLoad:
- [MU]
Episode 2: DLoad:
- [MU]
Episode 3: DLoad:
- [MU]
Episode 4: DLoad:
- [MU]
Episode 5: DLoad:
- [MU]
Episode 6: DLoad:
- [MU]
Episode 7: DLoad:
- [MU]
Episode 8: DLoad:
- [MU]
Episode 9: DLoad:
- [MU]
Episode 10: DLoad:
- [MU]
Episode 11: DLoad:
- [MU]
Episode 12: DLoad:
- [MU]
Episode 13: DLoad:
- [MU]
Episode 14: [Final] DLoad:
- [MU]
© http://kenann.5d6d.com